Fashion Tips for The Tall Man

Why would tall guys complain? Surprisingly, very tall men have a hard time finding things that fit well. When they aren’t properly dressed, they often appear clumsy and awkward. Therefore, to avoid looking gawky, read these simple tips and spruce up your personal style.

  • Avoid wearing very fitted suits and jackets, because you don’t want to advertise stick thin arms and legs.
  • Make sure your top fits comfortably around your chest and shoulders.
  • Steer clear of baggy clothing; flapping fabric is very unattractive.
  • Your pants should be worn over your hips. Also, be sure to wear high-rise (a longer distance between the crotch of your pants and the top of the waistband) pants.
  • Make sure your trousers fall freely on your shoes and avoid revealing your socks.
  • To avoid looking like a lollipop, don’t wear blazers or jackets with big shoulder pads.

Hopefully these tips can help you look, and more importantly, feel better. Who knows, once you start noticing the difference you might even start following fashion trends a little more or look for tailored suits. Please feel free to add any tips that we may have missed in the comments section below.
