Have you owned a bespoke suit before?
Well I’ve probably got or own anywhere from 7 to 10 suits. At AFL football clubs you get a new suit every year. Club suits, where everyone gets to wear the same suit, for club functions and stuff. Generally they’re a little bit sort of basic fitting, and you know obviously they put them out in mass production. So this is my first experience with a quality suit.
Have you been to the Brownlow Medal before?
So this is my first Brownlow Medal and I’m a little bit excited to get out there. Obviously all of the guys in the club have been before and said it was a great night. So any excuse to get dressed up, no worries. You know it’s like for my girlfriend as well, she’ll love it.
Will your Germanicos Suit bring you more confidence?
I’m looking forward to the red carpet. I’m normally not one to sort of jump into the spotlight, but look I’m dressed as well as I will be, I’ll be quite confident to jump in there and put a big smile on my face.
How was your Germanicos experience?
I haven’t got experience. Coming in I didn’t know what to expect to tell you the truth, but when I first got here it was very welcoming. You guys obviously know exactly what you’re talking about, very passionate about what you do, and it’s great, it gives me great confidence to make sure that the suit that I come away with will be one of a kind in the world and it’s going to be one that fits really well, and something I’ll have for the rest of my life.
Would you recommend anyone to Germanicos?
100% I’d recommend anyone who is out there, looking for a great suit to come along and have a great experience with the fittings, and also have a quality product at the end as well, and something that will set you apart from everyone else.
Where did Germanicos finish on the ladder of your suits?
I’ve just done it before, putting it on for the first time you could just tell it was made for me, the way it fitted. There was no loose areas, and it just sort of hugs neat and tightly, not too hard though. So I would put it … My last, my best last suit would probably be about 8th on the ladder, compared today. Today would definitely be a top two suit. A minor premier suit.